IRC Country Information Sheets – K-P
IRC Country Information Sheets
A - CA - C
D - JD - J
K - PK - P
R - ZR - Z
Factsheets on Search for OriginsFactsheets on Search for Origins
Comparative Analyses & Tables
Comparative analyses
Download the following comparative analyses :
- Comparative analysis on the evaluation of prosprective adoptive parents, 2019, English, French and Spanish.
- Comparative analysis on the right and terms of access to origins, 2018, English, French and Spanish.
- Comparative analysis on Agreement that the adoption may proceed Article 17 c) of the 1993 Hague Convention, May 2018, English, French and Spanish.
- Comparative analysis on Intercountry Adoption Breakdowns, 2017, English, French and Spanish.
- Comparative analysis on the financing of Adoption Accredited Bodies and challenges faced: searching for promising practices, 2015, English, French and Spanish.
- Comparative analysis on open adoption: The current situation and views, 2015, English, French and Spanish.
- Comparative analysis in impact new technologies on the adoption process, 2015, English, French and Spanish.
- Comparative analysis on the age of adoptable children, 2014, English, also available in French.
- Comparative analysis on the age limit fo prospective adoptive parents, 2014, English, French and Spanish.
Your may also access as an appendix all the information received from the consulted countries:
appendix I; appendix II; appendix III; appendix IV; appendix V; appendix VI; appendix VII